WhatsApp camera not working? Ultimate Fix and Troubleshooting Guide 2024

Whatsapp Camera Not Working? Ultimate Fix and Troubleshooting Guide 2024

Diagnose and resolve WhatsApp camera issues with our comprehensive troubleshooting guide and online camera testing tool

Updated on February 3, 2024

How to Fix WhatsApp Camera Not Working

  1. Check App Permissions
    • Go to your device's Settings app.
    • Navigate to the 'Apps' or 'Applications' section.
    • Locate WhatsApp and tap on it.
    • Go to the 'Permissions' section.
    • Ensure that the 'Camera' permission is enabled.
  2. Update WhatsApp
    • Open the app store on your device.
    • Search for 'WhatsApp'.
    • If an update is available, tap on the 'Update' button.
  3. Restart Your Device
    • Press and hold the power button on your device.
    • Select the 'Restart' option.
    • Once the device has restarted, check if the camera is working in WhatsApp.
  4. Check Camera Permissions in WhatsApp
    • Open WhatsApp on your device.
    • Go to the 'Settings' tab.
    • Tap on the 'Camera' option.
    • Ensure that the 'Allow WhatsApp to access your camera' option is enabled.
  5. Uninstall and Reinstall WhatsApp
    • Uninstall WhatsApp from your device using the standard app removal process.
    • Restart your device.
    • Go to the app store on your device.
    • Search for 'WhatsApp' and reinstall the app.
    • Once installed, log back into WhatsApp and check if the camera is functioning.

If you have tried all the steps above and the WhatsApp camera is still not working, you may need to contact WhatsApp support or visit their official help center for further assistance.

WhatsApp guides to fix your camera not working

Experiencing camera issues with WhatsApp can disrupt your video conferences and meetings. Our specialized guides are designed to help you navigate and resolve these camera problems, ensuring your communications are seamless across any device. Whether you're using a smartphone, tablet, or computer, our targeted troubleshooting steps will assist you in getting your camera functioning properly again. Choose the guide that matches your device for detailed solutions.

Our WhatsApp camera troubleshooting guides are available for the following devices: